It's funny, really, to think about how perceptions change over time.
Today I told an online friend that he's amazing, and his response was how much of a compliment it was coming from someone of my character.
It made me laugh at first, and then think about what that really means.
My "character" has not always gotten that reaction.
As a younger woman, I advocated the idea that a woman can do what she chooses with her body. I did whatever I wanted, with whomever I wanted, with no regrets about it.
One guy described me as fierce, and a woman I was with called me a force of nature. I saw myself as a sexual creature, and that came across loud and clear to the rest of the world.
Consequently, like any woman who is free, I was called slut, whore, skank, and various other creative things that primarily denote immoral and unacceptable behavior.
I didn't care. I am the only one who owns me.
I realize now that it was about control - of my life, and of my body.
I can't remember the names if every partner I've had.
When people comment on my character I always want to say "if only you knew how I spent my 20s".
Most of us can say "if you only knew how I spent my 20s." We all have a past--though not all will admit it. And unlike so many, you have learned and grown.