Saturday, February 21, 2015


There is a darkness in me. I used to think it was because of events in my life.  
The first time I saw evidence of it in one of my children I was devastated. I thought that I had somehow caused it, that I had tainted the child with my own darkness. 
I now realize that there is darkness in all of us. 
It's like there are monsters living in our heads. I can't remember where I read that, but it rang true to me. 
We all have them, locked down in cages in our psyches. Some people have tight control of their monsters, and if one were to ever escape they would be brought back under control by any means necessary.  Other people's monsters seem to roam freely, causing chaos and destruction where ever the person goes. 
Most of us are somewhere in the middle. Our monsters are occasionally brought out to play, then get put back after they've had some exercise. 
Those monsters - our darkest fears, our deepest hopes, our scars and wounds that never quite heal - they're part of us. They make us who we are, just as much as our public personas do. 

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